Friday, January 25, 2013

Keeper's Blog, Episode 2

Goalie glove review…..

Reush, Toruk SG Elite
In an attempt to keep our students and readers informed about the best goalkeeper equipment on the market. I will periodically use my keeper’s blog to review available products, goalie gloves in particular.

Finding quality soccer equipment can sometimes be a bit of a challenge in some areas of our country. Our mass consumption culture has ‘awarded’ the consumer with massive sporting-goods stores that understandably stock their shelves based on what product they perceive will sell the largest volume of. The convenience of these outlets has unfortunately put most quality ‘mom and pop’ sports equipment stores out of business. Couple this with a historical percieved lack of interest in soccer, we are all too often stuck shopping at one of these super centers who feel they have little monetary interest in stocking soccer supplies, hence leaving the soccer enthusiast purchasing sub-par products. Furthermore, goalkeepers make up just 1/11th of a fielded soccer team, leaving large companies with even less interest in selling goalkeeper equipment.
                What’s that you say?    “Just buy online.”

                I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I don’t  how I will like a pair of gloves, boots or a ball without first getting them on to my hands or feet. For me, buying online isn’t an option unless I’m already familiar with the product.

Recently, on a whim, I purchased a pair of Reusch, Toruk SG Elite gloves for $60.00. Typically I’m reluctant to buy a pair of gloves at this price because I firmly believe that particularly with goalie gloves, you get what you pay for. I needed a pair of practice gloves and this pair looked sharp and relatively well made. So, why not?

Comfort: 4/5
These stylish gloves are amazingly flexible and easy to wear. Even more impressive was the terrific dexterity for a moderately padded glove. There was also great breathability from the material between the fingers, which kept my hands cool. As most keepers know, that is a rare perk with most gloves.

Grip: 4/5
The grip of the Toruk Elite gloves was another pleasant surprise. The ball fell into my hands nicely with these gloves. The latex palms stuck to the ball well and they didn’t require frequent moistening (spit). I think the combination of material and dexterity was a winning recipe for the gloves grip. Unfortunately, this is where the positive features end…….

Protection: 2/5
It appears that the natural flexibility offered here was at significant cost to finger, wrist and hand support. There was also poor shock absorption for a glove with moderate padding on the palm. I took a few solid shots with these gloves and suffered a fair amount of sting and joint strain.

Durability: 0/5
Durability is almost as important as the actual play of a glove. Goalie gloves are expensive, and who has the money to buy a new pair every month or two!?
VERY POOR! I know I shouldn’t expect a long life from a $60 pair of gloves, but this pair completely fell apart after just two games. Reusch advertise a stitched palm, opposed to a one piece latex palm, as being more resistant to abrasion. This is a decent idea, but the stitching came apart at the seams on both gloves in under two hours of use.

Conclusion: 2/5:
Support and protection aside, these gloves played nicely. It’s a shame too. They would have made for a great practice glove if they didn’t utterly disintegrate (see images) in just two uses.  However, I’m now intrigued to check out a pair of Reush’s better quality gloves. I’ll be sure to post that review when I get a pair.


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